Email Efficiency

Hello everyone, I would like to improve and streamline my communications with you (and this would probably help with your own email efficiency as well). I send and receive thousands of emails a year and the following steps would assist in improving the service to you:

Email subject

To ensure items are dealt with efficiently I often work in batches. Therefore I scan the email subject for urgent items first.

  • It is therefore important to use an appropriate subject at all times.
  • If you are replying to an email on a different subject, I urge you to change the subject especially if it is more important. E.g. we have been discussing a maybe future plan and you now have an urgent tax issue, I wont pick up that it is urgent if the subject remains on the previous unrelated topic.
  • Also, it is a good idea to delete the unrelated conversation string below that is automatically added to replies & forwards; apart from wasting paper, it wastes time and increases costs by reading non-relevant communication.
  • A better option is to start fresh emails for all new subjects; important emails are printed for your file for your protection; should anything happen to and another accountant has to review your file, it will be less confusing for them & saves time.
  • I try to apply the same principles myself as I find it far less confusing than one email covering multiple topics.

Senders name

We are all in business and prefer to look professional. Two issues that cause confusion and slow the recipient down:

  • Having the senders name set to the forename only; e.g. Mark. Mark who, I actually have 10 Mark’s in my address book.
  • Leaving the senders name as your user ID; e.g., when I receive an email from boxter3@... either my provider will think it is spam or I may fear its fraud and delete it without opening it.
    • With email, one can alter the settings, so no matter what your email address is, the sender's name will appear as normal John Smith. I know all my client by name and I will recognise you if addressed correctly.

To protect your identity and my IT systems, I am always very careful with emails, if I am not sure of the sender, I will delete it without clicking on links or attachments.

I receive reference requests to support mortgage applications, rent applications and guarantor requests for your children rent applications, if I am not given prior notification, I will not respond. (I have received fraudulent requests before).

Poorly addressed or written emails are likely to be identified as spam by the recipients email provider and never reach your inbox or mine.

It is too easy to disguise a virus as other documents such as, PDF, JPG (picture), word or excel files by changing what's called the 'file extension', (try it yourself). Better to have an annoyed client than have all clients' personal details stolen.