Card surcharges banned from 13th January 2018

Currently, businesses can apply a surcharge with debit & credit card payments; e.g. popular with travel companies & road tax. This will be banned from 13th January 18, therefore some companies will refuse to accept credit card payment in future.

From 13th January 18, HMRC will no longer accept payments by credit card, therefore if you wish to do so, you must pay before this date.

On BBC’s Watch Dog historically, a traveller who split their payment with credit card & other means and experienced a problem, ended up in a dispute to whom will cover the compensation; the holiday company vs. credit card supplier; disputes have been know to take months to resolve. My personal view is to pay for the whole holiday on credit card then pay the card with my savings; of course it increases the cost; I accept this as insurance that my card issuer is fully liable in the event of a dispute.

However, this practice will be banned thanks to the EU Revised Payment Services Directive which must be implemented into our domestic law by 13 January 2018 at the latest. From then on businesses won’t be able to apply debit and credit card surcharges. YES Cheaper holidays.

Brexit effect. The UK is obliged to implement this Directive even though we’re leaving the EU, as we will still be a member state in January 2018. That said, it will be open to the government to alter the legislation once we’ve officially left - and it could reverse this forthcoming change.